The Gallery
Want to modify your truck? We have the knowledge and equipment to handle rim & tire packages, lift kits, levelling kits and alignments all in-house

Auto Repairs To All Makes and Models
10 service bays
Located in the heart of Newmarket
Your vehicle requires a certain level of maintenance to ensure it lasts for as long as you want it to
Let us keep your braking system in good shape
Wheel alignments, component replacement, inspections
All season tires, snow tires, all-weather tires. We have rims too
A leaky exhaust system can cause poor fuel economy
We have all the latest equipment to help us help you
Let us drive you to work, don't worry we'll pick you up too
Contact us today to have a tailor made fleet solution for your vehicles
Want to modify your truck? We have the knowledge and equipment to handle rim & tire packages, lift kits, levelling kits and alignments all in-house