Zebra Hot Tubs & Massage Chairs

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  • Anglais,
G-254 Gregoire Dr, Fort McMurray AB T9H 4K6
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Évaluations et commentaires - Zebra Hot Tubs & Massage Chairs

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    Been trying to get our tub fixed since November and it is still not fixed. And now that the usiness has had a staff turnover she does not have concern for any customer who but a tub before she worked there. And to me it wasn’t her problem that my tub is still not fix. We have officially started dealing with our manufacturers of the tub. As I 100% will not be giving any business to this place ever again.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Horrible service ...

    Horrible service from day one. They were hours late delivering my hot tub.. they were supposed to call their electrician and have them hook it up.. and I called them 3 times to remind them.. they didn't. So I found an electrician to do it..who ended up hooking it up wrong and their electrician had to explain what was wrong.. I then called them at the beginning of Oct to get my hot tub winterized. . It is almost December now. They didn't give me a date or time.. just said I'm on someone's schedule somewhere and if and when he has the time.. he'Ll come fiX it... meanwhile my hot tub has been steadily tripping out every week. I'm afraid it's going to freeze and crack. I just called one of their electricians to ensure it's not the electrical that's the issue..and if it's not I have a defective hot tub.. and I would then have to deal with zebra who has done zero to help me thus far... please go buy from artic spas or someone else. These hot tubs also have no insulation to them.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I went into Zebra...

    I went into Zebra to look at there selection and to learn a little more about the maintenance behind owning a hot tub. Not only was the selection awesome and the staff super friendly and knowledgable (they made it all so easy to understand) but I had no idea they had so many other things besides hot tubs! Massage chairs, steam showers, tanning beds, pretty much every and anything you would want or need to to really deck out your place. I would defiantly recommend taking a look.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Great Experience

    We inherited a hot tub with our new home here and the employees at Zebra hot tub did a great job of explaining what we needed for our hot tub and how to maintain it. Not only did they test our water to determine exactly the chemicals we needed, they made sure they did not oversell us products and explained everything in detail. I found them very knowledgeable and was very happy with the service we received! We will definitely continue to use them for our hot tub needs.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    driving to edm

    not only is this location a disaster inside the help is useless!!! i had some uneducated employee try to sell me something to harden my water???? huh?? what??? only in fort mac can a business like this survive.....off too Edmonton i go....id rather drive 4 hours than deal with clueless employees who should be working at Macdonalds, id heard this was a poor location but tried my luck anyways like i said off to EDM

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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