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Turn your garden into a wildlife sanctuary

19 juin 2015

The presence, or absence, of wildlife in a garden is an important indicator of its health. Dedicating even just a corner of your garden as a small wildlife sanctuary will yield results — you'll also find it incredibly satisfying.

Turn your garden into a wildlife sanctuary

Tips for maintaining a wildlife garden

Establishing and maintaining your wildlife garden shouldn't be too difficult, here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Keep your wildlife-friendly garden from invading your neighbours' properties by pruning and mowing along boundaries and fence lines diligently.
  • Mow areas next to the house so that animals and insects don't live in too close proximity to humans. Both species will be happier as a result.
  • Take simple precautions — for example, when lifting an object that could be sheltering an animal, lift it towards you so any hidden creature can make a break away from you.
  • If you keep your lawn long, mow an access path.
  • Protect native animals from your pets. If you have a cat, attach a bell to its collar to warn birds and other creatures of its approach. Keep cats and dogs inside at night.

Attracting birds to the garden

Attract native birds to your garden by growing a variety of native plants, especially those from your region. Many birds, particularly when they are feeding their young, will also eat a wide range of insect pests, so you'll benefit from their visits.

  • To cater for birds of all sizes, include some ground covers, low to medium-sized shrubs and small trees. Larger trees will attract seed-eaters, such as finches.
  • Construct a bird bath. Simply place a layer of rinsed river pebbles in a shallow dish and add clean water to a depth of about 30 millimetres (just over one inch). Then hang the dish from a branch or place it on a pedestal — any spot that is safe from cats.
  • If you enjoy the company of birds, learn to share the fruit from your trees with them. Otherwise, near harvest time, cover your fruit trees with bird-proof netting.
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